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Physical Development in Early Childhood

Physical Development in Early Childhood: An Overview

Physical Development in Early Childhood

Physical Development of Child

“If we give children enough space and possibilities for free movement, they will move as beautifully and gracefully as animals: nimbly, simply, confidently and naturally”
Dr. Emmi Pikler

Maria Montessori, a pioneer in the educational field has once said “My vision of the future is no longer of people taking exams and proceeding from secondary school to university but of passing from one stage of independence to a higher, by means of their own activity and effort of will.”
Physical development of a child is the most evident and visible development for naked eyes however the different aspects of this visible development is not completely aware to everyone or are may be not bothered much. Also, very often the physical growth is mistaken as physical development. Growth is different from development but very much mutually dependent and coherent. Increment in height, weight, hair growth, muscles etc is the growth factors whereas the accomplishment of motor skills likes crawling, walking, jumping etc are the aspects of physical development. Physical development of kids has to be monitored as per stages undergone by an individual child itself as well as essential is analysis of a child’s growth that whether it copes up with those kids of same age group.

Let’s understand the various factors that are responsible in the physical growth of a kid:


Kids looking very much similar or at times like the blueprint of parents is what we call as inheriting traits- in simple words, heredity. Height, hair colour, facial features to intelligence and aptitude are inherited from parents to offspring’s. One might wonder but yes! Kids even inherit ailments or disorders from parents. Thus heredity plays an important part of physical development.


Environment has great influence over the physical development of kids. Environmental factors enhance the physical and psychological stimulations that a child need simultaneous to the physical growth as part of physical development. A caring environment with family love and opportunities given at the right time is also responsible for the physical development. Supportive system that entertains activities and play time that develop a kid physically. Such activities are not deliberately done as health exercises whereas the normal play time a kid need and that is very much essential for the development of body as well as brain.


Normal play time as mentioned in previous paragraph is very much essential for a healthy physical development. Simultaneous to the play time a kid should also be encouraged to do regular workouts and physical activities that will contribute to the physical development of a child effectively. It will enhance and catalyze the motor development and movement too which is again a subtle element simultaneous to physical development itself. It contributes to boosting the muscular strength and in increasing bone mass.


It is easily visible that the pace of growth in boys and girls are different during different stages and so different is the time taken for being mature by these different genders. Girls are observed to have a faster pace growth in height and weight than that of boys till they reach puberty. However during adolescence boys develop much instant or spontaneous growth in height and muscular development. Various other physical feature changes also appear. Their secondary sex organs growth also happens during adolescence and the pace is different for girls and boys. However girls become mature much before boys. Also in physical strength and athletic features generally boys have an edge over girls. Hence sex of the kids is also a relevant factor in physical growth and development.


The much varied lifestyles when compared to older times has also brought many diseases or health or biological disorders that were kind of alien during the time of our ancestors. Most of these disorders or problems arise out of an imbalanced hormone system in the body which emanates from the contemporary lifestyle and food. Yes! Hormones which are part of the endocrine department of the whole biological system are very important in maintaining the health and biological wellbeing. The hormones secreted by various glands in our body whether goes above or below the adequate level will lead to health disorders and hence following a diet and workout routine which essentially maintains a balanced hormonal system inside us helps a lot in the physical development too. Kids will be prey to obesity, behavioural disorders and several other ailments in addition to growth defects when the hormonal balance is ruptured.


In body building, brain development and overall development proper nourishment is essential and so is it important for maintaining the health as well as in repairing the cells and organs at right time. It is important to make kids follow a balanced diet and also encourage them to stay hydrated no matter what.


Be it exercise, normal play, a healthy diet or whatever activity, doing once or sometime in a month is of no use. But making it a routine is essential. Kids need to be taught the methods and skills and they should be made to practise them in order to reinforce it and attain it as a way of life. Not just the elements of physical growth and development but emotional stabilising, social development and every activity or lesson for different aspects of overall growth need to be practised and solidified.


Have you ever wondered whether the geographical features, community and climate amounts to physical growth of a child? If not, understand that it does. A good school which gives impetus to the sports, arts, emotional wellbeing and all aspects of the development of a child too in addition to the academics definitely contributes to the effective growth of a child. The neighborhood being friendly and motivating, the characteristics of community and peer circles of the child also is responsible for the same. Health conditions of children to an extent depend on the weather of the place where they live and so are the possibilities to catch different location based allergies.


A supportive and literate family or at least a family of members who are aware of the different aspects of the physical growth and development can raise kids who have proper physical growth and development. The care family gives in every tiny detail of the development contributes much. Socio-economic status of family does have a role that a proper schooling, balanced diet, care and time are easy for privileged families however not for poor families. Time spent by parents and elders at home with kids, care and pampering given and the values and lessons taught from home are all highly important and not to be availed from schools but from family itself. However make sure the children are not given helicopter parenting which ruin their confidence in doing things by themselves and always depend on parents which is not wise.


Kids must be given breaks in between the lessons and activities. Don’t make kid saturated or tired. Timely breaks and refreshments are necessary for the healthy physical development, overall development and growth of kids. 5-11 hours of sleep is necessary for preschoolers and here comes the importance of afternoon naps and leisure breaks at preschool- says Pritam Agarwal the founder of Hello Kids.

A child is tomorrow’s asset for family, community, nation, and planet as well as for the universe. Hence, every aspect of a child’s growth should be well monitored and all requirements for effective development should be supplied. A child’s growth is fast and in all stage they need supplies be it physical or emotional requirements or abstract needs like love, care, attention and pampering should be given in appropriate amount. Let’s build the next generation wisely.

See Also: Nutrition for kids: Guidelines for a Healthy Diet

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